Luks place

Regular, everyday, normal mf, trying to live in this wicked world.


Please note that this is my personal page. If you feel offended in any way - this is not my problem - stop reading and go somewhere else where you would feel more comfortable.



Karma is a bitch, they say, and there's some truth to that.

Here's the story. In my last post I talked about not giving a damn, right? Well, the irony is the discovery I made the very next day after I posted that. It's about my best friend. It turns out that they had lied to me over a decade ago by not revealing a crucial piece of information that could have affected our relationship in a way that either we would have worked it out and strengthened our friendship; or we would have said goodbye to each other.

The worst part is that this information was discovered by me and not revealed by my friend. In their opinion, this information should have (and would have) remained unrevealed forever :/

Now try to "not give a damn" about this bitch :D

Not giving a damn


You can love me or hate me. Whatever you decide, I really don't give a shit. As long as I'm being honest with myself while expressing an opinion - all is well.

Not giving a crap about anything? This is the way I often find that this works best for me. You know why? Because it creates this beautiful distance between you and what is happening around you. That space allows you to take a moment to think about whether you want to react or remain an observer.

Life is a joke anyway. People are mostly grown-up children who are focused on pursuing false goals (career, reputation etc.) while negating what's really important (awarness, human condition etc.). You may disagree, and that's fine! I don't give a damn anyway :D

Take care