Nowadays you could "generate" any idea with an assistance of AI. Here however I post my own ideas I came up - just in case I need them later :)
DIY for kids
A kit designed for children that allows them to build things themselves (DIY). This will help them develop their creativity and learn how to use tools.
- Simple items (including a battery-powered electric motor)
- Clear "how to?" instructions
EKO Pet food
Produce food for dogs/cats. Long expiration date. Added vegetables.
Copy text from word, paste as html
Make a plugin that will paste the text copied from word as html. It should interpret and wrap words to the closest html tag it can find. For example: if you have a Heading formatted line in word it will produce <h1>Text</h1>
Personal profile assistant
A quiz-based game generating user personal profile with AI assistance. AI will gather data from user by recursively asking questions with multiple answers. The profile should be parsed sum of answers. The more questions and answers the better profile will become